July 23, 2010

Ah! This thin line

I tread this thin line, in this drunk like state.
The thrill's all yours onlooker,
you know--all, right now's at stake!

I for now just tread on...
I have naught to choose!

It's just steps right now,
with minds any but mine.

I'll know if I make it,
I'll know when I emerge
that the line's sanity!

That I tread this thin line
to the other side,
to the side that's mine.

[1] naught - nothing

July 2, 2010

They lie too deep

Thoughts oh so fragile,
from deep within
surface unbeckoned
at unsaid times.
Like effervescence,
oh! hard to hold!
so out of reach,
can't try and touch!

Thoughts oh so fragile,
from deep within
come and go
as they please!
They smile our smile,
and cry our tears
on stealthy toes
come rob our sleep!

Thoughts oh so fragile,
from deep within...